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The Latest News in Biological Aging Testing
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Cellular aging for risk stratification in adult deformity surgery: utilization of seven epigenetic clocks and two telomere length measurements in the analysis of comorbidity burden, frailty, disability and complications in adult deformity surgery.
Prenatal environmental exposures associated with sex differences in childhood obesity and neurodevelopment.
Epigenetic age acceleration in older adults with hematologic malignancies.
Skeletal muscle DNA methylation and mRNA responses to a bout of higher versus lower load resistance exercise in previously trained men.
EXPERT DIALOGUES: Response to Dr. Peter Attia's Weigh-in on Biological Age Clocks
TruDiagnostic testing highlighted in Bloomberg profile of tech mogul Bryan Johnson's age reversal efforts.
Resources to help you understand and interpret OMICm Age Report results.
Popular YouTube channel Life Noggin features TruAge testing in epigenetics explained video.
Florida wellness company Yunique Medical talks epigenetics with TruDiagnostic's Ryan Smith.
The effects of a multi-ingredient supplement containing Wasabia Japonica extract, Theacrine, and Copper (I) Niacin Chelate on Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell DNA Methylation, Transcriptomics, and Sirtuin activity.
Novel OMICm Age clock (by Harvard University & TruDiagnostic) PLUS new reports coming Fall 2023.
TruDiagnostic Announces a New Multi-Omic Informed Biological Aging Clock that Outperforms Previous Age Calculating Methods
Osteopathic physician Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses biological age with TruDiagnostic's Ryan Smith.
WATCH NOW: The science of OMICm Age with Harvard and TruDiagnostic researchers.
Which Epigenetic Clock Should I Use? A case study on clock limitations through the lens of DunedinPACE algorithm.
The Science Behind Testing Your Biological Age
Can you really reverse your age?
Biotech labs TruDiagnostic and NADMED partner to launch novel NAD+ blood test in United States.
Epigenetic aging explored at largest advanced medical education event of 2022.
TruDiagnostic and North Carolina State University collaborate to fully characterize all imprinting control regions and make testing available on a novel Imprintome epigenetic methylation array.
Upgrade to OMICm Age by Harvard University and TruDiagnostic: The best biological age clock ever created.
Aging research and drug discovery.
Introducing TruAge PACE
View full samples of new OMICm Age, Fitness, Immune reports coming Fall 2023.
Rejuve.AI and TruDiagnostic collaborate to create more accurate chronological age prediction tools.
Fish Parents Exposed To Stressful Experience Pass Down Behaviors Via Sex-Specific Intergenerational Plasticity.
View full samples of new OMICm Age, Fitness, Inflammation, Immune reports coming Fall 2023.
What is Multi Omics?
Study Suggests Epigenetic Rejuvenation Holds The Key To Restrict Organismal Aging
Psychological Stress And Social Environment May Influence Epigenetic Aging In Latinx Immigrants
Study Finds Epigenetic System Of Inheritance Dominates Over Genetic Mutations In Unstable Environments
Scientists Identified Link Between DNA Methylation In PON3 Gene And Weight Loss
What can impact my Biological Age?
Nanodisco: A New Method That Enables Nanopore Sequencing For Reliable Methylation Discovery
Elimination Of Senescent Cells Improves Cognitive Function In Neurodegenerative Diseases Caused By Aging
Keto Diet Extends Longevity And Healthspan In Mice
Ketogenic Diet Duration And Exercise Impacts On Gene Expressions
Normalizing Lipid Metabolism And Reversing Senescence Improve Tumor Immunotherapies In Cancer
Epigenetic Aging Similarities Found Between Dogs And Humans
DunedinPoAm Algorithm: Detecting The Rate Of Biological Aging
The Epigenome As A Prognosis And Early Warning System For Covid19
Colorectal Cancer Studies Reveal Early-Detection Biomarkers
Investigating Cancer Mechanism Using Universally Specific Biomarkers In Pan-Cancer Categories
Study Highlights The Link Between Socioeconomic Position And DNA Methylation.
Epigenetics May Help Explain Why COVID-19 Becomes More Severe In Some Patients
New Method Of Estimating Telomere Length With DNA Methylation More Predictive Of Health Outcomes
New Algorithm, MethSig, Estimates When Methylation Is Likely To Be A Cancer Driver
To improve testing accessibility, TruDiagnostic releases new sample collection method: the Blood Spot Card.
New cell-type deconvolution method for saliva created, now undergoing scientific validation.
State funding awarded in efforts to validate TruDiagnostic’s new imprintome array for use by researchers
TruDiagnostic releases a new expansion for their epigenetic testing service: Telomere Length Estimation.
TruDiagnostic licenses Mitotic Clock developed by Van Andel Institute and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
TruDiagnostic Launches new website
Exclusive Dunedin Pace of Aging report now available to the public.
Metabolic and inflammatory changes as biological mechanisms underlying the accelerated pace of epigenetic aging in Bipolar Disorder.
TruDiagnostic Begins Offering Epigenetic Testing To The Public - Says Their Goal Is Education.
Longitudinal study of DNA methylation and epigenetic clocks prior to and following test-confirmed COVID-19 and mRNA vaccination.
TruDiagnostic receives CLIA Lab Status and Launches New Portal for Providers and Patients
TruDiagnostic signs an exclusive license agreement with Duke University to use the DunedinPoAm rate of aging algorithm
TruDiagnostic Opens New Epigenetic Testing Laboratory
Different resistance exercise loading paradigms similarly affect skeletal muscle gene expression patterns of myostatin-related targets and mTORC1 signaling markers.
Global DNA methylation status in relation to resistance training with high vs low loads to failure.
Development underway for a new generation, multi-omic biological age clock.
Effects of different types of resistance exercise failure training on the methylation status of genes that drive skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
Well-known fitness; biohacking influencer Ben Greenfield discusses factors that accelerate aging with TruDiagnostic's Ryan Smith.
Impact of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana on genome-wide DNA methylation and its relationship with hypertension.
What is an age clock?
What is Biological Age?
What is Epigenetics?
Middle Tech podcast highlights the science behind the health & aging revolution, with TruDiagnostic's Dr. Varun B. Dwaraka.
EXPERT DIALOGUES: Response to Dr. Peter Attia's Weigh-in on Biological Age Clocks
Novel OMICm Age clock (by Harvard University & TruDiagnostic) PLUS new reports coming Fall 2023
Anti-aging Health Benefits of Pharmacogenomic Testing.
View full samples of new OMICm Age, Fitness, Inflammation, & Immune reports coming Fall 2023
Resources to help you understand and interpret OMICm Age Report results
WATCH NOW: The science of OMICm Age with Harvard and TruDiagnostic researchers
August 6, 2024
Well-known fitness; biohacking influencer Ben Greenfield discusses factors that accelerate aging with TruDiagnostic's Ryan Smith.
August 6, 2024
Impact of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana on genome-wide DNA methylation and its relationship with hypertension.
August 5, 2024
Impact of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana on genome-wide DNA methylation and its relationship with hypertension.
August 4, 2024
Impact of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana on genome-wide DNA methylation and its relationship with hypertension.
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